Meet DoD IL4
Handle Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) related to military operations while meeting the requirements for Department of Defense Impact Level 4 (DoD IL4).

Safeguard covered defense information
Accommodate requirements to handle CDI and keep it safe from exposure throughout missions.
Qanapi's military-grade encryption helps teams reach requirements outlined in the Department of Defense Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (DoD CC SRG) and many types of CDI, as well as CUI, categorized by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Implement strict security controls
Set access and rules for who can view data, where, and when. Follow the FedRAMP High Baseline (FedRAMP HBL) to meet requirements for securing CUI.
Qanapi equips teams to meet the Defense Information Systems Agency's (DISA) requirements for authorization, assessment, and control management.
Support military operations
Play a pivotal role in mission success. Access control and post-quantum encryption support Multi-domain operations.
Ensure missions are backed by Zero Trust security. Securely lock down Personal Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) related to military or contingency operations.
Frequently asked questions
DoD IL4 allows organizations to store, process, and transmit controlled unclassified information related to military or contingency operations. Qanapi’s data security suite is designed to protect this data against quantum-level attacks.
Qanapi’s encryption API provides advanced encryption techniques and secure key management, ensuring that sensitive DoD data is protected both in transit and at rest. By meeting stringent encryption and security standards, Qanapi helps organizations comply with DoD IL4 requirements, safeguarding CUI and mission-critical information in line with defense regulations.
Failing to comply with DoD IL4 security requirements can result in the loss of contracts, legal penalties, and reputational damage, as well as increased vulnerability to cyber threats. By leveraging Qanapi’s encryption solutions, organizations can meet DoD IL4 standards, protecting sensitive data and ensuring they remain eligible for DoD contracts and projects.
Learn more about Qanapi and DoD IL4 by scheduling a live demo with our team.
Start building with quantum resistance
Encrypt anything, anywhere, at any time with Qanapi.